Funeral Support Services Co. Ltd. provides support for funeral professionals and the expat community in Japan. We are a fully independent company licensed under IFSA (International Funeral Science Association in Japan).
We provide embalming, repatriation of human remains around the world (outbound and inbound), cremation, burials, funeral services for the expat community as well as estate consulting.
Funeral Support Services Co. Ltd. was established by Robert Hoey, an IFSA licensed embalmer and supervisor from Ottawa, Canada. We have over 36 years of experience doing embalming in Japan as well as North America.
We have experience with repatriations to all corners of the world as well as handling funeral, cremation services and burials for people of all faiths. We are a full service funeral provider.
Contact us directly for a consultation in English or Japanese.
Robert Hoey
Our Services


Well connected to many funeral companies, insurance companies and funeral associations around the world. Offering efficient bilingual service in English and Japanese by native speakers.

Funeral Services for the foreign community in Japan
Experienced with all religions and faiths. Our main funeral home is located in Tachikawa, Tokyo however we have access to many funeral halls throughout Japan. Services can be tailored to the wishes of the family.

Cremation/Burial Services
Direct cremation with or without the family present. The ashes can be sent home, buried in Japan or scattered at sea. Full burial services can also be provided when requested due to religious beliefs or family wishes.

Sea Scattering
This service is becoming a popular solution to disposition of the ashes with our signature Sea Ceremony near Mt. Fuji or off of the the coast of Okinawa.

Genelyn Asia chemical distributor
Providing advanced embalming chemicals and supplies to fellow embalming professionals within Japan and the Asian region. All chemicals and supplies are directly imported from Canada.

Estate Consulting
We provide full support to families going through the death of a loved one. We have found that in our work with international repatriations and the expat community there is a need for families to rely on us for help with finalizing estates.
The Bitterest tears shed over graves are
for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.
– Harriet Beecher Stowe
Our Associations