
Funeral Support Services Co. Ltd. specializes in advanced embalming. The families and funeral companies that we serve rely on us to embalm and treat the deceased with the utmost care so they will be prepared for their final viewing and ceremony.

We are a fully independent company licensed under IFSA (International Funeral Science Association in Japan) providing embalming, cosmetics, dressing, and restoration of human remains.

Our goal is to help funeral companies provide a complete service to their families where they can have a memorable tribute to their loved ones. We realize that there is sometimes a delay before cremation due to full schedules at crematoriums or in some cases repatriation to faraway countries. Embalming is very beneficial to hold the deceased without the worry of complications.

By having embalming, families can be comforted to know that their loved ones can rest at the home, temple or at the funeral hall without rushing through the services.

Embalming is beneficial when dealing with contagious diseases including Covid 19. The family can say their farewells in a safe environment without the worries of transmission of disease. We find that it is unfortunate that many families are turned away when they want to say good bye to their loved ones due to Covid 19.

Funeral Support Services Co. Ltd. is the first company in Japan to provide Covid 19 embalming for families so they can give their loved ones a proper ceremony.

We are also highly skilled in embalming for accident victims or people that have succumbed to physically affected diseases. In many cases we are able to restore the deceased to a respectable condition so the family can say their final goodbyes.